

俚语 shitquidity


1) n. State when liquidity has dried up in the financial markets
2) n. Liquid diarrhea
1) This shitquidity is horrible, I can't trade anything.
2) Man, I had bad shitquidity this morning, but Imodium A-D took care of it.


Diarrhea, watery feces, liquidy shit
Dude, I had major shitquid last night and now my sphincter's burning.


Any bowel movement that is not solid most likely caused by consuming large quantities of alcohol.
"Man I drank so much at that party last Friday, I had the shitquids for 3 days!"


(n.) 1) The product of diarrhea. 2) Liquid poop. 3) A very shitty person, thing or situation.
The toilet in the men's room is full of shitquid.
My dog has diarrhea. He shitquided all over the couch.
Your baby's tummy is growling. I think he might be shitquiding.
Yesterday, I had to shitquid before I left the taco place.
My boss shitquids on everyone's lunch plans.
Everything goes ass-backwards for Steve. He wishes the gods would stop shitquiding all over his life.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:37:32