

俚语 shitskin

shit skin

a derogatory name for black people
Look at all those shit skins at the KFC.

Shit Skinned

To have or acquire any shade of brown skin.
Sheeit, Tyrone! You is mo shit skinned than any nigga I's ever sees befores!

Hey Travis, you better tell your girlfriend to stay away from the tanning salon... you don't want her to get shit skinned, do you...

Joe: "Ahhh man! Someone broke into my car and stole my stereo!"
Police officer: "No doubt it's the work of that shit skinned gang, again."
Joe: "You mean there is a gang who has shit for skin?"
Police officer: "No, just the color of shit."
Joe: "You mean niggers?"
Police officer: "That is EXACTLY what I mean!"
Joe: "Damn shit skins!"
Police officer: *laughs*

Shit skin

Anyone who ain’t white is a dirty shit skin that should kill him self
Lol shit skin

Shit skin

Any one who is not white they were shit out the toilet so they now have shit skin and that’s why they stink because they have shit all over their skin. Shit skins are also fat as fuck their child rapists and pedophiles that no one likes they are all lazy and don’t work so they shit down their trousers all day take drugs ect just doing the stuff that a shit skin does.
Shit skins should all be bombed useless goat molesting fucks.

shit skinning

The act of rubbing ones shit upon skin to give the illusion of being some type of dark skinned race.
Last night some girl told me she only liked black guys. so i went home and got my shit skinning on. then i got my dick liked aw yeah

Shit skin

A racial slur agaisnt aliens
Damn, your buddy MeekMorg is a fucking Anal Crumbie looking shit skin

shit with skin

A person who is so full of shit, that if you would prick a needle through the skin, it would literally start to flow liquid shit. It so fucked up, that anything this person touches turns into shit too. Pure fecal matter. Also take note, listening to these kinds of people is extremely dangerous to your health, half an hour can turn your own brain to shit and will follow by self destructive behavior, also a you may develop anger issues afterwards. When encountering such being you should proceed with caution.
"Ronald said, he hates most of all men who cheat."
"Isn't Ronald the guy who has cheated every girl he has been with?"
"That's right."
"Man, this guy is shit with skin"




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