Shit's Rough
Used to describe a situation that has caused grief. This can be used in very serious situations or completely retarded ones. Kinda like "That Sucks".
It can also be used to describe intensity.
It can also be used to describe intensity.
Dean: "Dude... My mother passed away yesterday"
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."
Dean: "Hey look, I typed 'teh' when I wanted to type 'the'"
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."
Dean: "Dude, have you seen 'Requiem For A Dream?"
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."
Dean: "Hey look, I typed 'teh' when I wanted to type 'the'"
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."
Dean: "Dude, have you seen 'Requiem For A Dream?"
Tristan: "Oh man. Shit's rough."