A tranny prostitute who will perform any sex act. Used by D.C. pimps and usually with a word added.
Vannnie will do anything, she's a Beento5.
A transvestite prostitute who is very experienced and who will perform any sex act.
Somtimes Beentofive or BT5.
Somtimes Beentofive or BT5.
She's a real Beento5, there is nothing your imagination can think up which she won't do for you.
n. A transvestite prostitute with wide experience and who will perform any sex act.
Somtimes beentofive, beentwofive or BT5.
Somtimes beentofive, beentwofive or BT5.
She's a real beento5, there is nothing your imagination can think up which she won't do for you.