

俚语 shit stain

shit stains

When one shits their pants and leaves stains in their underwear. Often mistaken for bloodstains.
Ah! I found shit stains in alyssa's pantie drawer!


the stain that looks like shit on the mustache of a smoker.
you should quit smoking or at least shave off the mustache, because that shit-stain looks like shit.

Shit Stain

what Jim Cornette calls Vince Russo
Shit Stain aka Vince Russo said .....

shit stain

the stain that looks like shit on the mustache of a smoker.
you should quit smoking or at least shave off the mustache, because that shit stain looks like shit.

Shit Stain

1)A Brownish/Blackish and or Redish mark that is found in a towlet or human being's under shorts or panties. Found around the area of the anus.
2)A person that is a total fuck up and totally useless.
Like definitions may be found with Dumdass, Skidmark, Shit For Brains, Stupidass, Jerkoff, Spinout or Speed Racer.
I was taking a leak in Tommy's badroom, then I saw his Dad's boxers on the floor. There was bloody "shit stain" in them. It looked like he wiped up the floor with them after a blod bath.

Tommy and his Dad are both fucking "shit stains".

shit stain

any little ganster wannabe goof action puke.
think they are cool, usually worthless individuals.
That little shit stain doesn't pay for his smokes man.

shit stain

(n) Any and all traces left behind from a raunchy ass. see poop stain
Tyler left a big ol' shit stain in his nappin' sac.




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