

俚语 shit sticker

Shit Sticker

Someone who hangs around you for too long and never goes away.
Quit hanging around me and go home, your such a shit sticker.

Shit Sticker

Another word for a gay guys,or faggot
hey are you a shit sticker

Shit sticker

After whiping your ass after a massive shit, you throw the shit stained toilet paper straight up, hitting the ceiling. It will cling to the ceiling for a while depending on the binding power of your poo. You can also toss make shit stickers on the stall wall as well.
I went in to use the bathroom at the truck stop, and a shit sticker fell on my head!

Shit Sticker

1. That little piece of poop that just CAN'T be wiped away. Wipe and wipe and wipe AND it's STILL there.
2. Someone who just won't leave. No matter how much you try,,,hint after hint and they're STILL there.
That little Shit Sticker made me use a whole role of toilet paper and it WON'T go away.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:30:24