

俚语 shit the titty

shit the titty

when you drink before noon
it is 11:50! you have 10 minutes to shit the titty

shit my titties

A literal or metaphorical term expressing a range of emotions including fear or anger.
I shit my titties preparing for my interview
M was so annoyed, she shit her titties
Ah, go shit your titties

Shit Ass Titties

The perfect combination of swear words. Not to bad. But bad enough. Flows off the tongue.

Can be used to exclaim any type of strong emotion.
"Shit Ass Titties it's freezing outside!"

"Shit Ass Titties, I'm so excited about our trip tomorrow!"

"Shit Ass Titties he's about to kick that rednecks ass"

"Shit Ass Titties I locked my keys in the car"

or just


shit Mother TITTY NUTS!

The reflexive nonsensical irrational escalating expletive declared in real time during the worst possible nonsensical irrational event.
shit Mother TITTY NUTS! were the last words witnesses reported hearing from Larry before he drowned in earlobe Herpes infested lake water that inexplicably spewed from his laptop after missing the income tax e-Filing deadline by just one minute

Shit Bag Titty Fucker

When someone does something so terrible wrong that some might think they have autism.
Oh my he blew the game, what a shit bag titty fucker

shit titties

a word to use when your surprised or get the piss scared out of you
holy shit titties since when have you been there

Shit titty

An expression of dismay or frustration.
"Shit titty! Why won't this stupid thing work."




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