

俚语 shitting myself

shitting myself

To be scared witless at something
"I was pure shitting myself at that film."

shit myself

"Shit myself" is when you do bad at something such as a game of Cock of Duty or a game of HALER 45. You just know you fucking suck and can't help but say it.
Boy 1: YOU FUCKING SUUUUCK! *Kills other person*
Boy 2: Awwwh, I just shit myself.

i shit myself

this is what you say when you shit yourself
guy 1: i shit myself

guy 2: same

shitting myself laughing

to laugh harder than when you piss yourself laughing
that was hilarious , i was shitting myself laughing

I just shit myself

Yeah, I did.
Yo dude, I just shit myself! Check it out!

I shit myself empty

A phrase used after enduring chronic diarrhea
Person 1: "That kebab last night gave me dark insides"

Person 2: "Yeah tell me about it, I shit myself empty"

i just shit myself

a common phrase used for when you ant make it to the toilet in time or farted too hard
jerry I farted but i think i just shit myself




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