

俚语 shitting the rainbow

shitting the rainbow

After eating food with copious amounts of food coloring, your poo takes on colors other than the usual shades of brown.
Mate, have a look at the icing on this cake. . . I'll be shitting the rainbow after this.

Pulling Shit from Rainbows

To make up or extremely bullshit something so out of this world, that there is only one place one could have received it from and thats a rainbow
Tom: I ran 1 million yards in 2.4 seconds
Me: NO way, how did you do it?
Tom: Haha, its impossible, i'm just pulling shit from rainbows

Go shit a rainbow egg

Something Sergeant Cid should do.
Sergeant Cid: srtop it.

Shitting Rainbows

Someone who has such extraordinary luck that if they were to defecate a beautiful rainbow would come out of their anus rather than faeces.
"Went into town with Jim last night, he ended up shagging a 10/10er and won £100 on a scratchcard"! "Lucky bastard is shitting rainbows".

shitting rainbows

The third and highest stage of tripping out (usually on shrooms). The three stages include tripping, tripping balls, and shitting rainbows.
druggy one: "yesterday I ate some crazy African mushrooms and ended up shitting rainbows."

druggy two: "You have any more of those?"

Shit rainbow

The shit rainbow:
Purple: putrid gameplay
Blue: bad music quality
Green; Graphical farts and garlic
yellow; Piss poor keeping the source
Orange: Orange you a fucking idiot
Red: horrible rage educing masochism
-The Angry Video Game Nerd
LJN is classified as a shit rainbow

Shitting Rainbows

When a person is in a state of such ecstasy that if they were to defecate, the substance would contain nothing more than a magical beautiful rainbow.

"Hey. I heard Jake got laid last night"
"Yeah...you should have seen him this morning...looked like he was shitting rainbows."

"OMG!! When Daniel asked me out...I swear I was shitting rainbows..."




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