

俚语 shit tub

Shit tub

made up in my auto tech shop by tim to mean me. a tub of shit. tim is a douche bag.
"hey shit tub" (I look) "tim u douche"

Shit my tub

When someone really screws you over...IE takes a dump in your bathtub
Did you see that Tigers game last night, I had money on them....they were ahead by 3 runs going into the 9th inning, but then the yankees shit my tub and won

Tub Shitting

A generalized reference to the use of one’s laundry tub as a toilet, usually the result of an urgent situation preventing one from making it to the toilet or the unfortunate result of having an unusable toilet. Taking a tub shit often occurs when one has limited time to defecate, such as when playing Warcraft and being given a short AFK.
Me: Where's Kirky? We need to pull.
You: He had to go. Don't worry, he's Tub Shitting so he will BB soon.

Shit in'a tub

Shit in'a tub "Basically Mexican fries shoe horned into a burger box..must be ordered in a Texan cowboy accent in all countries. It's fries ,chilli mince beef, taco sauce and grated cheese, tastes ten times better when your wasted.
Shit in'a tub :Upon entering your local chipper or diner..whateves, just shout from the door dismissing the line of customers waiting on their order ,and at the top of your voice shout..YEE HAW! SHIT I'NA TUB!!! BRUV...al the pal




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