beep test
Spawned in the depths of hell, it is a physical exercise which is tailored to humilliate and exhaust gym students. Especially the fat ones.
Did you see that fatso do the beep test? Jiggle jiggle...
beep test
the stupidist thing known to man created by gym teachers (stupidest people known to man, other than the town dunce that is...) to tortue and embarass thier students.
"its the beep test today!"
"i hate my life."
"i hate my life."
the beep test
That annoying running test all kids had to do in school and ruined everyone's day except the two kids who were actually good at running.
"you know we gotta do the beep test today?"
"ahh fuck"
"ahh fuck"
Beep Test
1. Human Torture
2. Worst nightmare
3. Used to embarrass yourself in front of your friends
4. Has a voice of a demon
2. Worst nightmare
3. Used to embarrass yourself in front of your friends
4. Has a voice of a demon
1. Have you done the beep test yet?
Yes, I fainted.
Yes, I fainted.
The Beep test
You're lucky if you haven't done this, and I'm assuming you haven't considering you've looked it up on here. It's a test in which people (usually students doing this for P.E.) running back and forth between two points 20m apart. Each run must be synchronized with a pre-recorded audio track which plays beeps (hence the name 'beep test') at regular intervals.
You're lucky if you haven't done this, and I'm assuming you haven't considering you've looked it up on here. It's a test in which people (usually students doing this for P.E.) running back and forth between two points 20m apart. Each run must be synchronized with a pre-recorded audio track which plays beeps (hence the name 'beep test') at regular intervals.
PEteach: "Okay guys, time for The Beep test!"
Everyone: "oh no."
Everyone: "oh no."