

俚语 shit with sugar

Shit with sugar

A saying used sarcasticly when somebody asks a question about food to which the replyer answers.
What's for dinner? .. Shit with sugar.

shit and sugar

What yo mamma tells you is for dinner when you've been naughty.
naughty child: whats for dinner?
mum: shit and sugar.

From Shit to Sugar

When you come from nothin' to somethin'. Start out Poor, but end up Rich.
"I never had a silver spoon in my mouth growin' up. I came from shit to sugar."

"I came from shit to sugar , from the ghetto to a gated community"

Passing Shit For Sugar

1. The act of reporting false information in an attempt to mislead.
2. Trying to make a bad idea sound much better than it actually is.
1. Blaming violence on video games, movies, and music is just Passing Shit For Sugar.

2. "Do you really think buying a house in a swampy area is okay, or are you just passing shit for sugar?"

Shit From Sugar

When Someone has no clue what there on about.
Did yu hear wat kelly said about last weekend about alice pashing jason cause he's still going out with ellen isnt he?

Brew kelly doesnt no shit from sugar.




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