

俚语 shlanked


To fill one’s ear with cum
Things got crazy last night and I got shlanked


'shh' + 'thanks'; 'shut up' + 'thank you for shutting up'; used when one is made fun of by another or similar situations as a response. often used when referring to one's grandmother.
person a: "Dude you're so dumb."
person b: "Yo SHLANKS dude!"

"SHLANKS your grandma!"


a person who is akwardly tall and skinny.
Aunt: Jimmy! You look like you've had a grow spert. How tall are you now any way?

Nephew: idk like 6'4", but i only weigh like 120lbs

Aunt: Wow i didnt realize shlankishness ran in the family.


Verb, or adjective? i have no fucking clue
credits to: Chris Hemsworth, Nico, Chris Hemsworth, Ryne Smanging, Ricky, Jake Paul, The black guy Jake Paul works with, Britney Spears, The Beatles, Chuck Norris, and Donkey Kong
Person 1: "You really Shlank me dude."
Person 2: "What the fuck is Shlank?"
The Kool-Aid Man: "OH YEAH!!!"


A shlank is someone who likes touching/eating furry toes
"Ive heard scoot is a shlank!"


a whorish girl used mainly in Naples (only true pimps know about Naples)
Damn Homie look at debbie what a shlank!


When you hand someone a possibly cashed bowl of marijuana.
It's your hit. Be careful, cuz I might be shlankin ya.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:55:19