

俚语 shmungly


A word that originally meant nothing by itself; used only in words such as shmungly-Poe ect., however, it has now become the new way of saying it. ie it is a conjugation of shmungly-poe. This word is typically a word used in edinburgh, particularly the Eastside, and by the youth
Jeez man ya absolute shmungly beast, you smashed that


Shumgly is a word originally created in late 2019 to early 2020 it was founded in the eastern area of the scottish city edinburgh it is a general use word which can form the word shmungly-Poe meaning silly boy-poo. Although It can be used in good contexed aswell.
... was being such a shmungly poe today.

Your shirt is nice and shmungly




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:50:16