

俚语 shoemake


A person who does something half-ass. They do not put effort into their work therefore it lacks workmanship. Also Can be a lazy person.
That shoemaker sprayed cologne in his fridge to cover up the smell of rotten turkey.


Lazy, sloppy, incompetent cooks who frequently use short cuts as a substitute for hard-work and skill. Shoemakers are rarely capable of cleaning up after themselves, frequently earning the enmity and contempt of the dishwashers. Always check a shoemaker’s garbage bin to see what salable product has been misused, wasted, and hidden to avoid censure.
Were you going to season that? Don't be a shoemaker.


Someone who is bad at whatever they are attempting to do and should be making shoes instead.
Look at that skier, he cant even make is down the hill. What a shoemaker.


Chef/pro kitchen term. Someone who just putters around and is useless in the kitchen.
The new cook is a shoemaker. He doesn't even know how to make chicken stock


Used to refer to a crooked or incompitant lawyer. A lawyer that will be inattentive to clients cases and use a "one size fits all" approach.
When looking for a lawyer make sure he's not a shoemaker.


A short guy who works out but he is missing a chromosome
Man that guy over there is a shoemaker


A gay dude, typically so flaming that he is obnoxious & annoying or just funny to observe.
Why did we go to this restaurant? It's crawling with shoemakers.

Look at that shoemaker over there in the fur vest & white leather shoes.

That dude's outfit is ridiculous. What a friggin' shoemaker!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:45:57