

俚语 short bused

short bused

(adj) very much alchoholically intoxicated
He is so short bused that he couldnt even remember his own name

Short Bused

Getting retartedly drunk.
Dude, tomorrow night we are getting short bused.

Short bused

Patronizing an unsuspecting adult to indulge one's own sense of virtue or gain
Staples store manager: Wow, Tony! did you really clear out that entire aisle by yourself?

Tony: Umm yeah...

Staples store manager: you see everyone? Now that's what...

Tony: rolls eyes... didn't expect his boss to take it this far. starts to wonder if he may actually be retarded

Mike: My high school principal just called me to ask if I would be willing to speak at their annual fundraiser for troubled teens...

Mike's friend: Ouch! I think you just got short bused




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