

俚语 short girl

Short Girl

hotness! hot
short girls are hot

Short Girl

A girl who's height ranges from 5" 3 and lower. Usually very light somewhat chubby or very skinny. Use caution: Short jokes are a major turn off, they are sensitive about the subject. They are a perfect companion for a tall male in all aspects, they can reach objects that a tall male must bend down for, as a tall male can reach things on the "top shelf" that the short stature of the small girl limits.

Tall people develop (not always but often) back, leg, and knee problems, a short girl is perfect to have to aid this.
"Look at that short girl! She's so tiny! I want her!"

"Calm down short girl you may combust from excitement"

Short girl

The baddest bitches you will ever meet
Person-OMG you are so short! Bahahhaha
Short girl-*breaks persons skull* who is laughing now beATch

short girl

a girl who deserves endless respect. you are not short you are petite and cute and boys love that! they love that thy can pick you up easily and play around with you. never feel bad about being short it’s nothing to be upset about !!
oh my gosh lindsey is so petite !

omg i know right so cute such a short girl!!

short girls

totally adorable and usually chubby. can run around alot and usually not the best at sports. really light and likes piggy back rides.
"wooooaaahhh, natalie is really small!"
"i know right! poor thing, being a short girl made her a little chubby."
"poor short girls"

short girl syndrome

A girl who has an aggressive attitude due to her height and people always looking down on her.
She cute but honestly when she talks you can tell she has short girl syndrome

Short girl

A short girl is a girl who is below average. These people are also known as Brooklynn a girl who is in the 6th grade, but 4’3
Friend 1 : Oh look at the short girl
Friend 2: hey Brooklynn your so short

Brooklynn: 🙄




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