

俚语 beersicle


1) the result of the intentional freezing of beer for frozen consumption in the same manner as home-made popsicles.
2) the accidental result of leaving bottled beer inside a freezer too long; this usually shatters the bottle to produce a frozen, sticky, undrinkable mess. They are an inherent risk of using freezers to rapid-cool room temperature bottled beer for the chilled consumption preferred in North America.
Man, you left my brew in the fridge too long, dude! Thanks for the beersicles, asshole...


A beer consumed from a can at a cold weather event like a Canadian Football game. Usually some water freezes around the lip of the can, hence the beersicle.
Damn, I spilled my beersicle when they scored that touchdown.


Created when one puts a popsicle stick in an open beer can and freezes it, then removes the can when the beer is frozen solid. Enjoy.
Barack: Yo I'm having a party soon, what refreshments should I have there?
Joe: DUUDE I'll make some beersicles and we can lick em away until we're piss drunk.




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