

俚语 shower water

Shower Water

Takes approximately 3807286467968468765378645379926537297635288787 picoseconds to get warm. If it took 1 second AXE deodorant wouldn't be intoxicating harmless middle schoolers.
-Bruh I can smell that deodorant
-Yeah Shower Water took to long to heat and I fell asleep in the bathroom before it got warm.

water shower

This is when a person, male or female, gives you a saliva shower in order to boost your cleanliness.
Man, I want a water shower from bob right now, wonder if he is hydrated enough to give one right now.

Elbow water shower

When your taking a shower with someone who is hogging the water, which forces you to use the little bit of water that is streaming of there elbow
Person 1: Dude whats that smell?
Person 2: Thats me sorry i only got a elbow water shower today
Person 1: Dude you need to take showers on your own if she cant share the water

Person 2: yeah well what are you gonna do?

Salt Water Shower

(Noun) - to apply cologne, perfume and/or deodorant after having excerted physical labor or spent at taxing amount of time in an office environment.
Oh man, after work I had to pick up my girlfriend and go to her parents for dinner. I only had time to take a salt water shower in the bathroom at work.

sweat shower salt perspiration




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