

俚语 shpilkis


{Transliteration from the original Yiddish}

To 'bounce off the walls', nervous energy without purpose. In English - to be 'on pins and needles'. Common in kids when they have had too much sugar, or adults too much caffeine {or any combination of same}. Kids with ADD or ADHD before they are medicated.

"Oy, you kids in the back seat! Enough with the shpilkis already, or I'm gonna turn around this car around, right now!"

"Check out the cat, she got into the catnip. Such shpilkis I have never seen!"


Yiddish. The type of boredom that makes you want to scream and jump up and down, as opposed to the type of boredom that puts you to sleep.
By the time I had answered the 200th multiple choice question without a break, I had such a case of shpilkis I wanted to scream and run all the way back to Rumania!




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