Getting an orgasm from the sight of Shrek
Did he just get a shrekgasm?
That state of (ectasy) that happens when you have an (orgasm) for (Shrek). The main protagonist of "(shrek is love shrek is life)" has a shrekgasm every time Shrek unleashes his mighty orge (load) upon him.
Also known as having been "filled with his Ogrely love".
Also known as having been "filled with his Ogrely love".
I have Shrekgasms every night when I read Shrek fanfics.
Whenever I have Shrex with my lover, I really think of the Ogrelord shooting his Ogre Onion Load as I shrekgasm.
Whenever I have Shrex with my lover, I really think of the Ogrelord shooting his Ogre Onion Load as I shrekgasm.