shrodingers closet
Short hand for explaining your status of being "out" as a member of the LGBTQ+ Community.
When you are out to many people in your personal life but not "officially" out
When you are out to many people in your personal life but not "officially" out
Person you are out to: I thought you were out? Everyone we know, knows you are 💅
You: I'm out but I'm not, I have a giant pride flag in my dorm room and I'm fine with people assuming and I'm out to most of our (nonhomophobic) friends but if people ask and I don't know where they stand I would actively deny it because of fear of consequences. I call it "shrodingers closet"
You: I'm out but I'm not, I have a giant pride flag in my dorm room and I'm fine with people assuming and I'm out to most of our (nonhomophobic) friends but if people ask and I don't know where they stand I would actively deny it because of fear of consequences. I call it "shrodingers closet"