

俚语 shroomboy's


Shitty degenerates who mostly strive to attack people, usually a big group of shitty friends but they're now expanding their awful, awful pack.
They originate from G+, and aren't as special anymore.
Jesse: Aren't you glad that James of the shroomboy's got suspended? If only it was permanent..
Hannah: Yeah, he's pretty gay, dude. He doesn't deserve the respect he gets.


An insult that is synonymous with soyboy, virgin, incel, nolifer, basement dweller, etc

To be referred to as a "shroomboy" is to be implied as one or all of these synonyms. It also implies that the jizz sock you use has literal mushrooms growing on it, and perhaps even on yourself, because of how much of a disgusting individual you are.
Riley: Bruh, what's a shroomboy?
Huey: Scummy, fungus ass mufuckas that even 4chan anon niggas don't fuck with.


People who witchhunt/attack people for attention.
Also know as the Team 10 of Google.
Shroomboys usually a mushroom at the top of their profile picture.
James:Ew, did you see that shroomboy on Twitter?
Fred:Yeah, he was such a dick.


A member of a shitty cult on Google+. The group consists of 11 years olds who have nothing else better to do in their lives than harass other people. Contradicting the popular belief, the shroomboys have been around for longer than a few days. The only reason they were noticed because they decided they wanted to be professional assholes in 2018.
Carl: Is he a shroomboy?
Ryan: Yeah, look at his profile picture. He has that red mushroom hat on.


Just a fucking group of people on google plus that people witch hunt and attack for no reason whatsoever.
Person 1: Hey did you see that cunt attack that guy because of a png on their profile picture ?
Person 2, also stupid: they deserved it, they were a shroomboy


Stupid degenerate faggots that think raiding people is an intelligent approach to people they dont like, or just people who post content they dont like. Because whats a smarter reaction to people who post content that appeals to the lowest common denominator? Blocking? Of course not, that wouldnt be the shroomboy way- obviously planning organized raids and making jokes at others expense is the better way to go
Jones: Why does it smell like hot dog water all of a sudden?
Adam: A shroomboy mustve passed us by
Shroomboy: FATASS


A name most associated with a group full of underage autists on Google+. The group's main strategy of attention includes:
Editing mushroom heads onto their profiles
Calling people FATASS
leaking nudes of a 17-year-old girl
Utilizing child pornography as a form of sabotage to terminate someone's account
Threatening battery upon pregnant individuals

Watching the child porn as previously mentioned
Threatening to commit suicide after being sent a dick pic
Still use FATASS after the group dies out gradually
Turn on each other if they refuse to post child porn
Did I mention fatass and child porn yet?
Bully everyone on one site and still receive praise for their "humor" or lack there of
James: Hey, do you wanna join the Shroomboys?
Leonard: What the hell is a shroomboy?
James: We're memers and raiders. You might know the Bees Kne-
Leonard: First off, I hate Alex. Secondly, If that's how you describe them, I assume you're all faggots. Get the fuck off of my profile.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:34:51