Shuffle Bunny
One who plays a song via any mp3 device, waits roughly 30-60 seconds into the song and changes it to another. A shuffle bunny can be found in most automobiles that are either mp3 compatible or have an mp3-radio adapter.
Shuffle bunnies are most notorious for wanting to expose you to their entire musical taste in one car ride.
Shuffle bunnies are most notorious for wanting to expose you to their entire musical taste in one car ride.
Frank: "Hey dude, listen to this song! *waits 30 seconds* Oh, no wait! Listen to this one! *Switches song and waits another 30 seconds* Oh, this one is sick though! Do you know this band? *Switches song etc...*
James: OH! You're such a shuffle bunny!
James: OH! You're such a shuffle bunny!