

俚语 shut the front door

shut the front door

NOT used for S.T.F.U. replacement but for a more light hearted "Get the F* outta here" "I can't believe it" banter used mainly by "valley" type girls.
Vicky:Ohh, I just got this Gucci sweater for only $75.
Cindy: Shut the front door!! that's awsome!

shut the front door

shut the front door means shut the **** up, but its not cuss words and you can't get in trouble for it!
Someone is annoying you so you can say "Shut the front door"!

shut the front door

a phrase used when you don't want to say shut the "F" up instead.
person #1 I hope you die!
person #2 shut the front door, and be quite!

shut the front door

shut the front door does NOT mean shut the F up it means to shut somebody down in a sport or to stop somebody
the Miami Dolphins shut the front door on the Jets last night

Shut the front door

More publicly acceptable and FCC-friendly version of S.T.F.U., originally coined by Buckethead on WJRR Radio.
"You slept with your girlfriend's sister and her mom? Shut the front door!"

Shut the front door

A phrase used not as a substitute for 'Shut the fuck up', but rather when the front door requires shutting.
Person 1: Can you shut the front door please?
Person 2: Yeah, sure. *shuts the front door*

Shut the front door

Shut the f* up
Are you serious?
When someone states the obvious.
Susie: "They told me that the moon will not shine forever."
Sam: "Shut the front door!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:33:45