

俚语 shy girl's

Shy Girl

When a girl who is not normally shy develops a lack of lady balls and describes herself as being a 'Shy Girl'.
Rina: Why didn't you get with Thomas?
Lucy: Shut up I was being a shy girl!

Shy girls

Society rewards and helps women, punishes men.
Fred:Amanda is a shy girl. She hardly said a word through out the whole semester.

William:Really? Amanda was a chatterbox in algebra. She just quiet because the environment around her didn't interest her. Shy girls are a myth.

Tom:Dude, ask her out to the dance.
Greg:I can't, I'm just to shy.
Tom:Don't worry, she's very shy too.
Greg:Is it true that shy girls don't date shy guys.
Moses:Of course they don't, shy girls are a myth. Haven't you notice they have extroverted female friends, an outgoing boyfriend, and do wild things. shy girls are myth.

cute shy girl

The girl everyone knows-
She's hott, she's cutte, she is shy.
and out of your league.
but she doesn't know that.
And is to shy with boys, for other girl's sakes.
Boy1: damn she's cute, she single
Boy:2: haha don't even go there man,
Boy1:why dude? you know you would too.
Boy2:dude, she's really aint that easy to get of a girl.
Boy:1: oh, i see, those cute shy girl s always confuse me, its liek they dont know their fine or somethin

shy girl facade

When a girl (typically a white, thin girl with a fringe) is high school gets away with stuff because they're quiet to teachers and asks stuff politely
Shy girl: excuse me, miss, is it okay if I do the test tomorrow at lunch? It's just, I've been ill (lie) and haven't had time to prepare, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Teacher: of course! No I totally understand
Other kids: ugh, I bet she's gonna cheat, just putting on a shy girl facade...
Shy girl: *proceeds to cheat on test*

girl shy

when you tense up in front of girls because you do not know what they are going to do or say.
Girl: Hi!
Boy: I gotta go.
Girl: Why did he run away.
Friend: He's girl shy, ain't it obvious?

Shy Girl

A shy girl is too shy to show her face and too timid to answer questions. Wears a multi purpppp and behaves only with shy peeps and minimal word sentences.
I need to go pick up my multi purppp from the post office, but I'm a shy girl and too timid to drive there.




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