

俚语 siatua


Someone who is better than you at everything and in every way.
A woman who is confident. A woman who knows her worth and will check anyone who tries to make her feel below that. She doesn’t let the shit that haters say affect her or deter her. She loves herself inside and out and could care less about who doesn’t agree. She walks, talks, and acts like she owns everything in the room. She’s comfortable in her own skin and no one can change that. A woman who is independent. She doesn’t base her happiness, success or anything else on any person. She can handle her own, on her own. A women who is ambitious. She has goals, no matter how big or small in the eyes of the world, and works her ass off to achieve them. She knows she is destined for greatness. She doesn’t let anyone get in the way or stop her. Even if it’s her own doubt or negative feelings. A women who is strong. She has been through a lot but doesn’t let her past or negative people control her. No matter how many times she has been knocked down or will be knocked down, she knows how to get her ass right back up and dust herself off.
Siatua is a boss ass bitch




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:56:07