

俚语 sick as a dog

sick as a dog

People often associate a sick dog with eating grass and vomiting globs of whatever.
I drank too much last night and spent an hour with my head over the toilet bowl, sick as a dog!

Sick as a dog

Term for being incredably under the weather. Often used when trying to get out of something such as work or school.

The term came to be because dogs are notoriously constantly ill.
see sarcasm
Fred: I can't come in to work today, I'm sick as a dog.
Jane: Too bad... have a nice trip to the beach!

Sick Dog

To be perverted in some way, another way of saying sick bastard.
Wow L-Nic is a sick dog!

sick running dog

Random person think themselves all-powerful but just typing nonsense on Facebook every day.
CY Leung is a sick running dog!

Love Sick Puppy Dog

A look you get in your eyes or a smile you get when seeing or talking to your dream partner.

Normally used by someone who witnesses this to make fun of them.
Q: Why are you laughing at me?

A: You look like a love sick puppy dog!

sick dog barrels

Used as a substitute for "cool", "awesome", "wicked" & mostly used by violent, alcoholic head chefs.
Bro 1: "Bro! I just did a frontside 360 heelflip!"
Bro 2: "Sick dog barrels!"
Bro 1: "What?"
Bro 2: "Sick dog barrels!"
Bro 1: "Right...."
Bro 2: "Sick dog barrels!"
Bro 1: "Shut up."

I’m sick as a hairless dog in the winter time

When you are really sick and need to make sure everyone knows it. Phrase was created by a man that goes by the name of Lonestar Thompson.
“I’m sick as a hairless dog in the winter time” says Nathan




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