

俚语 side penis

Side Penis

The bulge that results from wearing very tight pants and placing items (such as cell phones) in the front pockets. Generally received as awkward in females and highly erotic in males.
1. "Yikes! I didn't know Marissa was a guy!"

"No man, that's just her side penis. She forgot to take her wallet out of her pants."

2. Because of Allison's false assumption that Dave had two penises, she invited all of her slutty girlfriends to have sex with him. Little did she know, it was just a side penis.

Side Profile Penis

When a feature of your body looks like a penis on from your side profile
I just tied my hair back, i have a side profile penis

certified side Shaygo penis

“Certified side shaygo penis” is a term used by the most elite of shaygos. which is a moment that will be remembered by the boys.
Shaygo1- “that’s a certified side shaygo penis”
Shaygo2- “sure was bucky”




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