

俚语 sideswiped

side swiped

when someone hits the side of your car and you didn't see it coming
Robby got side swiped by a lady running a red light.

side swiped

when your friend tells you theres a chick visiting and you head to his house to meet her and the first glance of the female specimen causes your head to snap back in pain and one more for disgust.
indian guy - hey jimmy, come by the crib i want you to meet this chick

(1 hour later jimmy is in the hospital with neck injuries)

Jimmy - damn dat chick side swiped me

Side swipe

When you are pregnant and cant reach your vagina from the front.
"I tried masturbating last night but I had to Side swipe it"

side swipe

when you're sleeping naked next to the married woman you just had drunken sex with the night before or a few hours prior and decide when you wake up to lift her leg up while shes on her side to begin round 2.

Hey Harry, I sooo side swiped Shelly this morning after our long night of rough sex and drinking at the Irish Pub!!!
side swipe, scissor sex, sex positions

Side swiped

When you are to fat to wipe you ass completely from front to back, so instead, you wipe halfway up your crack and hen do a quick sideways move with the toilet paper, leaving a layer of poop smeared on you butt cheek.
By the looks of that brown stain on the back of your white pants that cover that big ass you got, my guess is that you couldn't reach all the way around, so you side swiped it.

side swipe

When receiving a hand job, the motion made to ensure the cum does not land on your couch
Dude, last night I missed my side swipe and I spent like 5 hours cleaning my couch

Side swiped

When walking along by yourself, and someone tackles you and takes your clothes off. This is usually what happens following 'a drive by'. (see drive by)
Jenny gave Kevin a drive by and then thought she was in the clear and then BAM! She was side swiped by Kevin.




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