

俚语 silver digger

Silver Digger

A baby gold digger who does not know how to get big money. She usually deals with highly paid blue collar workers and middle-class males before she can scam the big boys. Most great Gold Diggers need to be Silver Diggers before moving up to ballers and whale sugar daddies.
Latoya is getting money out of Garbagemen and Butchers before moving up to the big boys. She is a classic Silver Digger!

silver digger

Wants money and nice things but pretends that it dosnt matter...will date non rich guys because they know they can make them work hard and earn them money....Very hard to pick out of all the groups until its too late....
Dat bitch broke my heart and took me fo my money...Man fuck dat silver digger....




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:25:16