

俚语 silver spring's

Silver Spring

Located in Montgomery County, Maryland. Known for it's bad traffic, true-to-their-home students, late night drag racing on University Boulevard, a two minute drive from the University of Maryland, and great girls who know how to combine great athletic abilities and good looks into one.
Guy #1: So what's goin on tonight?
Guy #2: Dunno, wanna go chill with these girls from Silver Spring?
Guy #1: Oh hell yeah, they're the best!

silver spring

the only place where u can drive 5 minutes one way and go into a rural area and 5 minutes the other way and go into a city
u can get to a rural area pretty quick after u leave wheaton if u go on Layhill away from D.C.

Silver Spring

A city in Maryland that borders the District of Columbia. It was a "ghetto" town, marked by extreme decadence by the early nineties. After a massive reconstruction effort (which began around 1998), Silver Spring is now a prosperous town; marked with a variety of shops, restaurants, book stores, and yes, a Chipotle. It can be compared to the likes of Bethesda, but it's much cooler. Side note - Silver Spring offers much more diversity than Bethesda.
Person A: Have you seen the new Borders downtown?
Person B: Yeah, it's right next to the new Majestic Theater. Man, they've really changed Silver Spring...
Person A: Yeah, it's awesome!

Silver Spring

A place where the party starts late and ends early the next day. Where the nights are memoriable and the friends are true. No place like $$....
none like it...

silver spring

Refered to primarily as Bling Bling Silver Spring or $ilver Bling because of its abundance of welathy suburbanites and flashy diverse urban neighborhoods. Silver Spring is a destination and multiple people from different neighborhoods may all live within this large area.
1: Bro, where are you from?
2: Dude im from Silver Spring of course
1: Sweet, me too, what part...
2: Forest Glen, what about you?
1: Oh cool, im near Wheaton

Silver Springs

A small town in the desert of Nevada, citizens of Silver Springs are often missing teeth, know little of the outside world, and deny the existence of science. However, this may also be blamed by the unhealthy combination of Jack Daniels, Slim Jims and Mormanism, known as the "Nevada Trinity." Every homes abandoned pickup truck must have the tires removed and be contained at least 51% inside the chain link fence. Pitt Bulls are forbidden to be spayed or neutered and may not be chained or kept inside the chain link fence. Silver Springs ranks first in the state of Nevada for Domestic Violence, DUI Arrests and Incest. The average age of conception is 15.58 years or age. The Median income is $10,613.59 (the maximum annual unemployment benefit paid for by the state of Nevada.) The whole place is full of sagebrush, 10 square miles of sagebrush and prostitutes. You can also find mentally (and physically) retarded tourists (counting as fauna) who've been sent there by mistake and think they're at Disneyland. Silver Springs also ranks
#1 for most hookers.
#1 for most meth usage.
#1 for most Californian escapees in the past 3 decades
#1 for most most STD's per square mile (#2 is New Jersey)
#4 for most freaky-type people( who migrate to Bay to Breakers in California once a year).
#2 for being 38th on SAT scores.
#1 for the quickest time to be wedded (or divorced).
#50 for cost of real estate housing after real estate bubble burst.
#666 (or 13) for being Sodom and Gomorrah.
Friend 1: "Did you go to that party in Silver Springs?"
Friend 2: "No, what happened"
Friend 1: " I guess the math teacher from the highschool got caught with a sophomore"
Friend 2: "Again!!"

Silver Spring

A city in Maryland where you can find a fake ass mall witth cheap ass stores and where there is a sloppy ass metro station
A:Yo you trinna go to the Silver SPring Mall
B:Na I'd rather go to 7-11




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