

俚语 silver syndrome

Silver Syndrome

When you can eat as much as you want and you stay really skinny
He has silver syndrome.

silver surfer syndrome

A problem that occurs when a left handed person smears as the write causing in areas of the hans turned silver.
Guy1: Dude being left handed sucks

Guy2: Let me guess silver surfer syndrome

KGuy1: Yep

Silver Dagger Syndrome

The act of thoughtlessly subjecting Role-playing Game party members to damage (usually splash) while trying to solve puzzles, knock NPCs unconscious, and/or attacking an enemy that someone is in melee combat with.
DM: LOOK OUT! The Dagger Throwing Halfling is whipping daggers everywhere and has Just wounded the Elf!

PC #1: Damnit, he has Silver Dagger Syndrome again!

spoiled silver spoon syndrome

Usually a wealthy child that has no knowledge of history or of consequences. Verbally spews whatever is currently popular with no understanding of it’s meaning.
Her knowledge of Socialism comes directly from her spoiled silver spoon syndrome, she hasn’t a clue.




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