

俚语 being a bella

Being a Bella

Being a Bella is to be clumsy and/or use an unnecessary amount of 'umm's and 'ahhs'. Originates from the books/movies The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer and refers to Bella Swan.
Person 1: "Did you see Hannah earlier? She fell on the stairs."

Person 2: "Hannah's always falling over. She's such a Bella"


Person 1: "I just- I- ummmmm- I need- ahhh- I just want to *gasp*"

Person 2: "Stop being a Bella and just spit it out!"

Being a Bella

Being paticualry clumsy or saying 'ahh' and 'umm' more then is necessary. Originates from the clumsey stuttering mess that is Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga.
Person 1: "Did you see Serena today? She fall down the stairs!"

Person 2: "I know, she was being such a Bella"


Person 1: "I just- ummm- I- *gasp*- I need- ahhhh"

Person 2: "Stop being a Bella and just spit it out"




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