

俚语 sissors


a dump stupid idiot that cant spell the simplest fucking word, scissors.
p1: So I heard Bob spells scissors like sissors! What a dumbass!
p2: Hahaha!


this is a sexual technique in which two girls (usually) stick their legs in between each others legs resembuling two sissors.
"I was totally sissoring my girlfriend last night it was soo hot."


When 2 girls fuck eachother using their vaginas as dicks.
Dick: Did you see that porno on the internet yet? The girls were sissoring!!

Dbag: Aww! I wish I was there!!!!!!

Sissor Fight

N. When two females spread their legs in a sissor motion so that their vaginas touch eachothers. They proceed to bump and grind, while looking like sissors cutting at eachother.
My pussy is so sore from that intense sissor fight last night!

sissor sister

women who has sexual intercourse with other women in the shape of two sissors cutting at each other.
"Helga and I totally are sissor sisters together"

Sissor it Out

When two girls (perferbly lesbians) fight each other.
Guy 1; hey should we stop that
Guy 2; no just let them sissor it out


Child game played by 2 people, You each have to hide youe hand behind your back and count 1,2,3 and then display what object you have chossen. i.e.


Paper beats rock but not sissors, Sissors beats paper but not rock, rock beats sissors but not paper

also referred to as roshambo..Which is an name and the orginal name for it but this now means something else in American slang
lets decide what to do by playing paper,sissors,rock.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:27:42