

俚语 sit and surf

Sit and Surf

Utilizing the mobility of modern technology to its maximum in the context of relieving oneself while surfing the internet.

Suggested technologies include: Laptop with WiFi, iPhone or any other internet capable device.

Benefits include: A comforting relief while keeping a steady flow of multitasking.
"Man, I've really gotta take a dump, but I need to finish commenting this picture; downloading this torrent; talking on skype with my mother; researching dinosaurs for this paper; putting up another awful ytmnd; writing this sweet status update; laughing and saying awe to thousands upon thousands of pictures of adorable kittens"

"Dude, just sit and surf."


sit and surf

When you take a crap while going on the internet on your laptop
Dude i really wanna sit and surf right now.

Sit n surf

The act of surfing the internet whilst sitting on the john/lou/toilet/crapper/dropping a deuce/AWESOME.
I have to bid agressively on this ebay item, but i also have to shit... Its cool, I'll jist SIT N SURF.

Sit N' Surf

The act of surfing the web while using the toilet usually done with a laptop almost never a desktop computer.
(Guy1 holding a laptop walks up to Guy2)
Guy1: I was on the toilet reading your article and-
Guy2: On the toilet?
Guy1: ...Yes I Sit N' Surf




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