

俚语 sivakami


Sivakami is a wonderfull girl . She is caring and confident. She helps everyone even if she wants to avoid them. She is a type of person u can never loose . She is a gem . She is a strong hearted person . She will take care of others even if they are older . Sivakami means a gem .
Person 1 : yo mahn isn't that sivakami ?
Person 2 : oh yeah I wish I can ask her out . She is such a caring person


A really naughty gurl who hangs around boys and has her own girl gang for all the naughty stuffs she does. She is on another level in eyeing boys.
Are at it again Sivakamy!


Sivakami is a sexy, charming looking person who will make everyone laugh. A person who cares about others. She gives others positive energy and every person would love her and want a friend like her
Hey who's that

That's sivakami
Omg she's fun


Sivakami is a sexy, charming looking person who will make everyone laugh. A person who cares about others. She gives others positive energy and every person would love her and want a friend like her
Hey who's that
That sivakami
Ong she's fun




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:54:02