

俚语 skabie


When a guy you like says the most beautiful things to you. But you laugh to yourself because you know they aren't true. But its good to know he cares.

Usually done by text message.
Kyle: your beautiful and funny and sexy and perfect :)

Jazz: your such a Skabie


an abbreviated term for a new member of sigma kappa sorority. Combines Sig Kap Baby. Also because they're like a contagious and disgusting disease.
I went to the bar last night but all I brought home was some skabies.


skate crew from south florida....spelled SKABies not skabies or scabies
pronounced SKAB (as in you have a skab on your knee) ies as in ies
the SKABies crew eats bananas


skank rabies. some one who is a skank that you want to make fun of. just say they have scabies
wow im not fucking you. you have skabies!!!!!!!!!




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