

俚语 skaggs


An incredibly strange looking woman who thinks she is much smaller and or much hotter than she actually is.

Skaggs usually wear clothes that are far too tight and often dance like strippers.
"Ew! Did you see that Skagg over there dancing?" "omg, yeah! Her girlfriend is a total Skagg as well"


1. Adj-a very stinky fart
2. Adj- a very stinky burp
3. Adj- gas that leads to taking a duke.
Skagg, Skaggs, Skagged
Eww, did you just Skagg?

I just skagged out of my mouth.

I've got a bad case of the scags from eating that mexican food on the way to Texas.

I just skagged in the toilet.


1. Person whom persuades your significant other to end a perfectly good relationship due to your lack of faith 2. a small benign wart on or around the genitals and anus that causes an extreme amount of itching 3. someone or something that really pisses you off 4. a generic but very offensive insult
1. "My girlfriend dumped me because this skagg told her I don't go to church" 2. "Dude, I can't stop scratching my balls; I've got skaggs really bad" 3. "My car is acting skaggish: it never runs" 4. "Quit being such a fucking skagg!"


1. an absolutely dreadful person who is intolerable.
2. a very offensive insult
Don't be such a skaggs.


a hard nigga, dont fuck wit him. Hes got a huge load and a fat chode.
damn, did you see skaggs rip her up?


1.Something that sucks worse than you thought possible. Anything completely useless.

2. A total and complete owning.
I got skaggsed when all of my friends ditched me.


a word that can mean any type of foul language such as fuck and penis, such as a "wild card" for swear words

if you take credit for this i will hunt you down and skagg you, your parents and your dog+hamster in front of your eyes
I'm going to skagg that Racoon to death

motherskagger=one that skagg's your mom

if you take credit for this i will hunt you down and skagg you, your parents and your dog+hamster in front of your eyes

I stubbed my fucking skagger!!!




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