

俚语 skam


An amazing teen show based in Oslo, Norway that became popularized due to a gay couple in the 3rd season
"You watch Skam? You must have to read so many subtitles"


Skam is a Norwegian teen drama TV show. Each season focuses on a character daily struggles, such as: infidelity/insecurity, rape, sexuality issues/mental disorders, and religion. This TV show truly shows what teens go through everyday.
Friend: I'm finnaly gonna start watching Skam!!
Me: Grab some tissues, and prepare to read a lot of subtitles. You'll love it!


Another word for the term Marijuana

"Yo mang let me get some of that hot skam"


A very versatile verb meaning various valuable definitions such as "getting with" "crushing"

It can also be used a replacement for the "bomb"
Oh skam! He just hit a shot


A crazy friend who wants to go out clubbing/drinkng all the time.
mann, you're becoming a "skam".
Maybe you should settle down before you end up a "skam".
Why cant we stay home honey? I'm cant handle your "skam" behaviour anymore.


A scandalous occurrence
Girl, I saw Jim kiss another girl. That's such a skam!

She's always looking for drama...she's skamalacious!


to make out with a your significant other, aka french kissing, used in the late 90's
I want to skam with that girl.

Me and my bf were skamming the other day.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:02:51