Someone skilled in the arts of bejerking or the bejerk. They know how to sneak attack and suprise people while bejerking them. Are familiar with the different types of bejerk handles. Often set up situations to bejerk people with other bejerkers.
One bejerker will walk up to a victim and engage in a conversation. Then the second bejerker will come from behind. The first bejerker will say something like "Hey Nathan yesterday for dinner I ate this really good dish called..." then the second bejerker grabs under the victims neck and pulls down (known as a bejerk).
Grabbing under someone's chin then pulling the skin down to the ground, while yelling "bejerk!". This move is almost physically impossible to defend when not ready. People do not know how to respond to this attack. When using your pointer finer & thumb is called the claw/pincher, two fingers & thumb is the threesome bejerk; three fingers & thumb is called the sausage bejerk; and finally using all your four fingers & thumb is the meat bejerk(used for heavier set people with some rolls to place the meat bejerk in).
hey nathan did you hear about the (grab under their neck) "bejerk?!" (then you run away as they try to process what just happened).