

俚语 bekn


Also known as E.V.E (Edibly Viable Evolution), bekn or beknz refers to a person or peoplez who identify as a crispy and delicious pork product that is generally known for it's tasty interaction with eggz at breakfast. Those who identify as Beknz may be slightly odd, but are loyal, love to laugh, make new friendz, are likely carnivorous, and have a love of some sort of adult beverage.

IF YOU DON'T IDENTIFY AS A BEKN, there is a high likelihood that you also probably hate things such as: babies, puppies, steak, money, and nibblez. The surgeon general does warn that not identifying as a bekn could be hazardous to your health.

Side effects may include: Gluttony, Cannabalism, Excess smiling, and Phantosmia.
Bekn livez matter too.

Our hideout is the beknz orchard, just past the elder tree.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:59:50