

俚语 skiffed


1. Something that has narrowly missed hitting someone.
2. A stone which is bounced across a body of water.
1. "That bullet just skiffed my ear."
2. "I just skiffed that pebble for thirty hops."


When you cut someone open (usually in the side of the torso), and fuck the new hole.
I could really go for some skiffing tonight, but I don't have the time to clean my knife.


Relating to a person who was born through incestory, or severe deformities.
" My parents are first cousins therefore I am a skif "
" SOO grose you look like a skif "

Pillow Skiffing

The act of inserting the corners of a undesirable mates pillow into your ass therefore making it contaminated for when they come to sleep on it.
That asshole has been staring at my girlfriends rack all night, he's crashing at mine,
he's so gonna be the victim of pillow skiffing....




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