Skill Arena
Skill Arena is a Balkanian SAMP server with 90% autistic kids. Owners are Deity and Goldfinger. 99% of staff and Role Play Enforcer team are autistic no lifers who are abusing their rank and think that they are Gods because of that shitty rank in a 15 year old game. The server is remembered for various rapes and DDOS attacks but its most remembered by the rape and genocide committed in early January 2020 by Mamojebeni Gang. They started raping the server with their almighty powerful leaders Shaka and Dawkins along with Kin, Daz, Moreli, Zeron, Corta, and other members. They raped it so hard that Deity canceled forum registrations for few days, banned everyone's IP address, deleted their accounts, and as he said "Spent Christmas Eve banning toxic autistic players for their worst curses".The gang continued raping the server and started filming videos where they are raping Ballas and Crips using all possible cheats. Skill Arena Administrator "Zevs" (Zeus) deleted everyone's In-game account and blacklisted them because they were insulting him. He, who lives in his mom's basement and have over 600 watched videos on his PornHub account named "ZevsSA" also called them names such as "Cancers", "Human trashes" and "Unsocial autistic kids".
Skill Arena is SA:MP server full of cunts and kids.
skill arena
Serbian SAMP server with 90% of kids, it has so bad owner that pays 5$ for 1000 slots server, and the server is in Frankfurt, constantly ddosd by Balkan school. "The server is so, so laggy because of your ping and your internet, not our server" (that is cheaper than bubble gum) - most common sentence of admins on Skill Arena. The owner calls it "Skill Arena Role Play" but there isn't any role play on the server, only deathmatching. Aven is the only guy who wants RP on the server, but he is the most hated admin because of the small youtuber that films for kids. Admins are the worst admins of any game ever created. If girls start to play on the server, she will get whatever she wants, in any time-feminism. One of the worst communities on the internet, even if players say it's one of the best. Belgrade Police Department is a nickname for PD there.
Skill Arena is SAMP server.