

俚语 skin boners

Skin and Boners

When, because of all the sex you've been having, you have lost all the fat on your body. This can be because you have had to stop eating, or been spending so much energy. Usually stopped by bringing whipped cream to the bedroom.
Stacey: "Holy crap, your boyfriend has lost alot of weight! He's skin and bones!"

Jane: "Skin and boners, actually."

skin-ripping boner

a term used to describe when a person gets such an intense boner that the "inner boner" threatens to part the seams of your "outer boner" like a cartoon chimp squeezing a banana at the base so that it peels, and the "inner banana" flies across the room leaving only the flaccid "outer banana" peel hanging grotesquely over your balls like a popped balloon.
"When she snuck her hands down into my boxers while we were grinding on the dance floor, she found such a skin-ripping boner that she had to yell out to her friends to throw down their handbags and come over for a look at the rare and exciting phenomenon."

Skin boners

tiny raised bumps on your skin A.K.A goosebumps.
Biff: I think you got skin boners.
Lissa: Nah, those are just goosebumps.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:29:40