

俚语 skin pig

Skin Pig

Another name for a penis or shlong which still has the remains of a foreskin from the lack of circumcising. Also know as an anteater.
Tony get that filthy skin pig away from me.

skinned pigs

When you can see the blood vessels shine through the skin of a girls breasts you have "skinned pigs". Usually pale-skinned or redheaded girls are more likely to have them, especially when she has big breasts and the skin is stretched.
Dude: Man, I like those boobs...
Bra: Naa... they look like skinned pigs!


derogatory word for a white person or Caucasian.
i called him a pig skinned boy and he was pissed....he skin tuned red then pink like that of a pig..lol

i love that pink pig skinned pussy.

skinned my pig

when a guy fucks a girl so hard she BLEEDS!
Guy one: Man when we had anal last night, I made you bleed,

Guy two: Woah bro you skinned my pig! *high fives*

pig skin

A slang word for a football
The QB's been holding the pig skin too long.

The old pig skin.

The area directly around the lips of the vagina with a slightly darker color and sometimes bumpy texture from shaving. This can resemble color and texture of a good leather football.
I saw Julie changing her clothes and I got a good look at the old pig skin.

Pig skinned nigger

A black/negro person who tends to act white or talk like a white person. Not all but at some cases obsessed with white culture.
Malik that pig skinned nigger.




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