

俚语 skippin


Essentially, it means bitchin'-but better
CeeLo Green's Christmas album is skippin


When stuff goes your way for no particular reason. When everything just seems right. When you find a tenner in your back pocket... You're 'skippin'
Sandwich shop drone - "Holy crap Mark, that baguette I just made was the best so far! And this James Blunt tune rocks my world! Skippin!"

Mark - "You're fired."


Accidental and unexpected ejaculation.
I was walking down the street a and i saw this beautiful girl, and before i knew it i had to go change my pants because i got my "skippins" everywhere.


Living a lifestyle that consists of regular gambling, chainsmoking, pizza-eating, and coffee drinking.
Darrell: How you be livin'?
Damon: Man, I'm straight skippin'.

skippin with a lip in

self explanitory, the act of skipping school with smokeless tobacco or dip in your lip
yeah man we got caught skipping yesterday. its a good thing we hadnt taken it to the next level ,we were about to roll out that bitch skippin with a lip in

Skippin' Reji

Skipping registration.
Also, abstaining from mating with a man named Reji.
I'm not late, I'm planning on Skippin' Reji.


The lingo used describing a lapse (or possibly many lapses) in time while using drugs, commonly experienced after long bouts of skatin' (using the drug form of meth known as *ice/clear*). These moments, more often than not, cannot be recalled unless reminded about from a friend, one whom witnessed the skipped time in question, when there was such a 'skip in time' for the user.
"Man, I didn't even realize we went to the store until you said something to me. I totally don't remember driving to the store, leaving the place or coming back. I must be skippin'!! Last thing I recall is that I wanted to get a drink and then here I am with a soda watching T.V.....damn dude, I must've completely skipped that ride! How long were we at that store anyway?"




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