The act of heating up two metal knives on an electric stove, cutting the bottom out of a 16.9 fl oz plastic bottle, rolling up pot said with a Canadian accent into little pods, placing said pods in between the heated metal knives and inhaling the result through the cut up bottle.
Created by Skye Pronounced: skahy but spelled ESS KAY WHY EEEE Wilson, member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Created by Skye Pronounced: skahy but spelled ESS KAY WHY EEEE Wilson, member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Skye: You wanna try something cool?
Chick: Of course, cause you're mother effing Skye Wilson.
Skye: Cool. Let's smoke some Skyepods!
Chick: Of course, cause you're mother effing Skye Wilson.
Skye: Cool. Let's smoke some Skyepods!