

俚语 slacklinning


To urinate through the for-skin and not having the courtesy to 'cock-back' and revel the helmet for increased aim. Usually ending in a large amount of spray in all directions.
Dude, which one of you cucks was slacklinning!! There's piss all over the floor!


a peice of one inch climbing webbing strung between two points and pulled tight, used for walking and bouncing like a trampoline. like tight rope walking but with a little slack.
hey do you want to set up a slackline?


The act of having an unbelievable amount of fun walking and doing tricks on a piece of one inch climbing webbing pulled tight between two points, also used as a form of meditation, physical and mental training.
See also: Slack
Hey Jim want to go slacklining?


A slackline is someone who is incompetent in slamming birds and is an absolute squid who goes by the name of usually toby
Zach: "Yo sam is acting like such a slackline right now, did you seem him at the darty yesterday?"
Bryan: "Yea he absolutely slammed zero birds"


The act of AWESOMENESS...
Jayrod Waters...
A unique way of life that scares the hell out of most...
Jayrod Waters IS slacklining.
Slacklining IS Jayrod Waters.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:28:20