

俚语 slaggers


One who is both a slacker and a loligagger
Look at Yeshiva's big man sitting at the table in the learning center; what a slagger!


A bed wetting politician who stabs another politician in the asshole with a pigs penis every Sunday morning.
Putin: (worlds most infamous Slagger)
Trump:( gets stabbed with a pigs penis in the ass by Putin)
see some of my other words down below


A lad who only sleeps with slags (because it's easy). In verbal form, said lad is "slagging". Just as a whaler pursues whales, a slagger pursues slags (or more likely just happens to come upon one).
You know that guy Edward? All the girls he's slept with were total slags. He's such a slagger.


1. somone who is despirate and likes to sleep with multiple sex partners to make he/she feel better about themselves.

2. someone who talks down to other people
"She's sucha a slagger."



1. One who is a slag and proud of it. Derived from swagger + slag

2. One that posseses slagger

2. A excessively whorish/slaggish individual.
He/She has so much slagger!


Similiar to "homie" or "bizznatch."
"Sup, slagger,"


A homie hopper with a vagina that smells so bad the homeboys only want head from her. Never has any money and always needs a ride!
Girls, keep your boyfriend, homeboys, husband, and dad away from that slagger.




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